Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Disney World!

Way back at the beginning of November, we took the boys for their first trip to Disney World.  Peter's family has gone every year to Disney World since he was pretty small - maybe two or three years old, so it's become something of a tradition.  They're members of the Disney Vacation Club, which basically gives the member points to use against hotel rooms during each year, so we only had to worry about our flights and costs once we got there, which was nice.

The boys did pretty well on the flight; they slept most of the way there.  Once we got there and picked up our luggage, we headed for Enterprise rental car.  That was an absolute mess.  It took forever to get our car, and then once we got everyone settled and ready to go, there were no keys.  Nobody knew where they were.  So we had to find another car and get everything transferred.  The car they tried to give us was a no-go, because the boys' seats wouldn't fit in it properly.  Finally, we got a small Volvo crossover/SUV type thing, so I think we really ended up ahead in the deal, since we got a premium car, but it took over an hour to get the whole thing settled.

We finally arrived and got settled in at the hotel - we stayed at the Kidani Villages (the Disney Vacation Club property at the Animal Kingdom Lodge).  It was wonderful for the boys - they could see animals from the balcony, which they thought was awesome!  We all stayed in a three-bedroom grand villa.  Initially, Peter and the boys and I were in a separate room, but somehow the booking got mixed up and they had us in a studio rather than a one-bedroom.  That meant that everything was in one room, so there would be no place for us to go after the boys were asleep, not to mention that there really wasn't room for two pack and plays.  But we switched into the grand villa where everyone else was staying, and there was plenty of room - plus we got to bank the points that would have been used on that extra room!  Generally there are enough points in a year for the family trip, plus one kid (they alternate between Peter and each of his sisters) to take a long weekend.  So there are some years we've been to Disney twice in one year, and his sister has been even more times than that - she loves Disney!

We had lunch in the room (very late - I think it was probably 3:30 or 4 by the time we got to eat) and then room service for dinner that night with Peter's mom, his sister, and her husband.  Peter's other sister arrived late that night, and her boyfriend arrived a few days later (he had to work).  The first night was hard; the boys were up off and on all night.  I think they both ended up sleeping in the (thankfully) king-size bed with us.  I think the combination of a new place, seeing more people for the first time in awhile, plus the noise whenever they rolled over in the pack and plays (there were sheets, but you could still hear a plastic-y noise) just kept the poor little guys awake.

Monday, December 17, 2012


I realize that I haven't posted in a month and a half; things have been a little crazy at our house.  After we got back from Disney World (which I hope to write about later), one of us was sick after the other, and in any spare moments I've been trying to get the boys' playroom done so that they have a place of their own to play, rather than in the middle of the living room.  All that, plus holiday prep, means things like blogging have fallen to the end of the list.  Now, though, I'm sitting in a doctor's waiting room undergoing fructose sensitivity testing.  Basically, I've had to drink a really awful, sweet solution and they then have me breathe into a machine every 30 minutes for 2 hours to see if I have a fructose sensitivity.  Fun times, let me tell you.  But since I'm a captive audience, I thought I'd get back on the blogging train.  Before I start back with general blogging though, I wanted to say a few words about the Newtown tragedy (or as many as I can before I start sobbing in front of all these people).

I honestly don't know what to say.  Every time I think about those babies with their lives cut short, I'm heartbroken.  How do you write an obituary for a six- or seven-year-old?  And then how do you write nineteen more?  The funerals and services begin today, and my heart aches for the parents and families and friends.  The other night, I was up with James in the middle of the night for over an hour trying to get him back to sleep.  I was annoyed and tired, but then I thought, you know, there are twenty families who would give anything to be awake with their babies.  Anything for a crying child in the middle of the night.  Twenty families who may be awake, because they are so overcome with grief that they can't sleep.  And then the countless other families who are awake with children who can't sleep because they're terrified, terrified because they saw or heard their friends and teachers get gunned down in a place that was supposed to be a safe haven.  I don't know what the answer is.  I know that it is important that we have this conversation now.  Don't put it off, and say it's too soon.  Soon it will be too late.  I've seen people commenting that it isn't all about guns; it's about access to mental health care, too.  This is certainly true; we need to have quality mental health care available to anyone who needs it.  But I think people jump to guns because there's no way we can ever help all the people who need mental health care.  There's no way to track everyone down, and no real way to force those who need help to take it if they don't want it.  And because of that, I think people look to something that can be legislated, and that's gun control.  Living in Texas, I don't know that banning handguns would work.  I know that several countries have done that, but I wonder what their rate of gun ownership was beforehand.  As I said, I don't know what the answer is.  There probably isn't one single answer.  But we have to do something.  No parent should ever have to bury her child.  No child should ever see his best friend gunned down, or hear his favorite teacher die defending his life.  This has to stop.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

First Birthday WellCheck and the Horrors of Milk

The boys had their one-year well-check the Monday after their birthday.  Their pediatrician said they looked good and were doing really well.  They had to get four shots, which they were not too keen on, but they did ok.  Unfortunately, the pediatrician didn't give me the usual printouts with all their measurements and percentiles, so these are approximated from looking at their charts online (our pediatrician uses MyChart, which lets the parents look at the records online) and plugging numbers into an online calculator, which I don't know if I believe:

Height: 30 inches (51st percentile)
Weight: 23 pounds (49th percentile)
Head Circumference: 19.1 inches (93rd percentile)

Height: 29.5 inches (34th percentile)
Weight: 20 pounds 2 ounces (11th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.25 inches (45th percentile)

We also got the ok to switch the boys from formula to whole milk, cold turkey.  I was so thrilled to not have to deal with formula!  We took the boys to Trader Joe's and picked up some organic whole milk.  I've gotta say, I was really disappointed with the new (to Houston) Trader Joe's.  After having routinely shopped there in Chicago, I felt like this one was tiny and didn't have the same variety of stuff that the ones in Chicago did.

Anyway, we made the milk switch on Monday, and on Friday, I noticed that James was really straining to poop, and the poor little guy was crying because he hurt.  I called the doctor, and the nurse I talked to said that they wanted his belly to be x-rayed in case of obstruction (this was after giving him a suppository, which did nothing).  The nurse insisted that it couldn't possibly be the milk, even though I was certain it was.  She even told me to keep giving him milk.  Yeah, I don't think so.  Of course, by now it was after hours, and they don't have an x-ray tech after hours even though they have appointments, so they made me go to Texas Children's ER.  I called mom and asked her to meet me with a sandwich, because I hadn't eaten dinner.  We got there about 7 pm and left at 3.  IN THE MORNING.  It was awful.   They gave him multiple suppositories - all he did was push them out.  X-rays showed no obstruction, thankfully; he was just all backed up.  They finally gave him some miralax and told me to bring him back that night if he still hadn't pooped.  Thank God, he pooped later that day while I tried to grab a nap.  We took the ER doctor's advice and switched both boys to soy milk - there's really no way to give one something and not the other.  

Needless to say, that weekend was awful.  James's sleep schedule was all off, neither of them were too keen on soy - it was just a mess.  When I called the pediatrician on Monday to report in and get his opinion, his nurse relayed that he needed the fat and calories from whole cow's milk and needed to be on it, so just give him miralax every day.  What?  Are you kidding me?  Medicate my child every day with something you aren't even supposed to give babies?  I don't think so.  That's the one time I have ever really disagreed with him.  So, after talking to my friend about how she had switched her 2-year-old over, we set up a slow change - first four days of six ounces of formula with 2 of milk, then four and four, finally two and six, and then all milk.  Right now we're about to finish with four and four, and (fingers crossed), all seems to be going well.  I think James's system just needed time to adjust.  

Finally, a couple pictures in exchange for listening to me talk about poop! =)

James meets Buddy (mom and dad's new dog)

James sharing his toys with Buddy

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy birthday, boys!

With fingers crossed that James was all better and that Bobby wouldn't now get sick, we celebrated the boys' first birthday as planned on Saturday, the 20th.  In a bit of background, let me say that I have never been hugely into birthdays.  They're fun, but my family was never one to make a massive deal out of anyone's birthday (nor do I think you should), and I lately have felt like if I start to build up a birthday in my mind, I get really disappointed.  That said, Peter encouraged me to go all out for the boys' first birthday, and I found myself thinking, this will be different.  Right.  I planned on a food truck (the food truck phenomenon is sweeping Houston, and they're so much fun for a party - they come, feed you, provide something to talk about, and take all the trash with them.  What could be better?)  Well, the truck I really wanted was booked for a private event already, and the other I talked to wouldn't head out to our suburb for an event of less than 100 people.  For a first birthday?  I don't think so.  But I absolutely refused to cook, so I had Central Market do some trays, and they were quite good, I must admit.  Moeller's bakery did the cookies (for party favors), the big cake decorated like a zoo, and the smash cakes for the boys.  Another minor screwup - the cookies were supposed to be dinosaurs, but as you can see below, they're pumpkins.  At least the boys were little - it made no difference to them!  No one from Peter's side of the family was able to come; I felt really bad for him, but he didn't seem too upset about it.  So we ended up having a much smaller event than originally planned with my parents, sister, grandmother, and some friends.  I think the boys had a blast, though, and all four of us took a three-hour nap afterward!

James is ready to party!

My dad with James (left) and Bobby

The boys meet my friend's two-year-old for the first time - they thought he was awesome!

Happy 1st Birthday Bobby and James!

I couldn't believe Bobby let me put on his hat

Bobby loves his hat!

Not really sure what this whole cake thing is about


Happy birthday, Bobby!


Saturday, November 3, 2012


Wow, I'm about two weeks behind in posting.  A bit more than that, actually.  I figure I've got to catch up to real time before we go on vacation to Disney World - or at least that's my goal.  So here's a post about James that's been rattling around in my head:

The week before their birthday (of course), James started running a fever of 103.8 on Monday.  He was very lethargic (quite unlike him) and just obviously didn't feel good.  We took him in to an "after-hours" (read: after 5 pm and 10 bucks more expensive) appointment.  Of course, our normal pediatrician was out of the office, so we saw another doc.  He gave him some advil, informed me that he had a virus, and sent us on our merry way.  I wasn't thrilled - my friend who sees the same doctor we do told me this other doctor (who was actually Peter's pediatrician) has a "been there, done that, seen it all" attitude.  So while his diagnosis may be right, he is not reassuring and doesn't really give you any tips as to how to manage symptoms while you get through the virus.  

The next day, we were over at my mom's, and James had been passed out in her lap for quite some time, when she told me he was feeling super hot.  We took his temperature, and it was 105.2.  I was terrified.  We called the pediatrician, and of course our doctor still wasn't there, but they told us to bring him in and he would see another pediatrician.  Well, after I did some very stern talking (no actual yelling, mind you), because we were stuck in the waiting room with a severely ill child for nearly an hour, we got back to see the doctor, who was really nice.  Unfortunately, at this point, James started crying/screaming uncontrollably, interspersed with bouts of just passing out.  When she examined him, it seemed like he was in a lot of abdominal pain.  She said she was afraid of intussusception.  Basically this means that the intestines have telescoped into each other, and it can cause huge problems - it happens to a lot of preemies, and I had read about it when I was having such early contractions and put on bed rest.  So of course, at this point I was terrified, although trying to be as calm as possible.  She called Texas Children's Hospital and told them she was sending us for an abdominal ultrasound.  As we headed over there, mom texted my sister that she needed to come pick up Bobby.  She met us at the hospital and took Bobby in his carseat, put him in her car, and drove him to our house, where Peter met her and took Bobby.  In the meantime, mom and I took James to wait for his ultrasound - after 5, there's only one tech, so it took a while.  He did really well for the ultrasound - he screamed for a little bit (the exam took forever), but he then was so tired and sick he just passed out.  We got word that the ultrasound was normal (thank God), and that we could either take him to the ER if he was still screaming, or take him home.  After taking one look at the line for the ER (it was now about 7:30 pm and the ER was packed), we headed home.  When I checked his temp before bed, it was down around 100 - the ultrasound gel all over his belly really cooled him down.

The next day (not to sound repetitive), we were able to take him to see his normal pediatrician, whom I adore.  He catheterized him to take a urine sample, just to rule out a UTI, but told us that since his fever was decreasing, it was probably just a really awful virus.  We could alternate doses of advil and tylenol every 3 to 4 hours to keep the fever down.  The next morning, his fever was gone, and he was covered in spots.  The pediatrician called me to check on him (and to tell us the urine was clean) and told me that the rash was a great sign - it was confirmation that he had roseola, a virus.  Basically, there was no way to confirm that that's what it was until the rash appeared (which it always does at the very end), and of course nobody wanted to take a fever that high lightly - it could have been any number of other things.  I was so relieved.  By the end of the day Friday, Jamesie was feeling much better.  We were able to have their first birthday party on Saturday as planned, and celebrate their actual birthday Sunday....  that's my next post!

James (feeling much better) climbing around in a cabinet I was clearing out in the kitchen

Friday, November 2, 2012

Various and Sundry

I'm feeling very tired.  Tired and stressed.  Part of it is the monster sinus infection I have.  I had one when we got back from Seaside (that was great fun, by the way, having a sinus headache that left me in tears in the middle of the night in rural Florida.  Peter had to go to a gas station because that was all that was open and get me tiny packets of Advil and Mucinex, which I took double doses of so that I could at least sleep.  Good times.), and my doctor gave me a z-pack.  Long story short, that didn't work, so I went to see my ENT at the beginning of this week (although it feels like a lot longer ago).  He put me on a monster antibiotic (my mom informed me she didn't know it came in that strength) and steroids, and informed me that if this doesn't fix it, I have to have surgery.  Great.  That's what I like to hear.  So I feel tired and rundown, and I feel like everything that can go wrong in some way likes to at least try to go wrong, even if I rein it back in before it goes too terribly wrong....  Does that make sense?  But then I think that I could be living in the northeast and enduring the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, with no power and two toddlers, so things could be much, much worse, and I'm grateful.  Right now I just feel like things are a little hard, and I would like a little bit of a break, thank you.  But I don't think moms really get to take a break.

On the upside, my parents have a new dog.  This pug turned up at their place out in the country several months ago, and my dad kept thinking that he would continue on his merry way, but he never did.  Mom finally convinced Daddy that he needed to bring the dog in, since he clearly wasn't going anywhere.  This dog clearly belonged to someone - he is clean, healthy, and sits on command, but they haven't been able to find his owner.  Mom thinks maybe somebody couldn't take care of him anymore and dropped him by the side of the road, and he made his way to their property.  Daddy's been calling him PD (for Porch Dog, because he liked to hang out on the porch), but we have to rename him.  PD sounds like Petey, and then everyone gets confused as to whether we're talking about the dog or my husband.  Slight difference.  I proposed Jeeves.  He's a cutie pie, don't you think?

He likes to lie in "super doggy" position.  Apologies for the weird glare at the edge.  And my foot at the bottom.  Cell phone pics are clearly my strength.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

On Wednesday, we visited the pumpkin patch that a local (well, local to my mom) church puts on as a fundraiser.  I dressed the boys up in their orange gingham overalls with smocked pumpkins.  Now, baby clothing sizes are so weird.  Right now, the boys are wearing 12 months if I want something to fit perfectly (although some 12 month things are big on James) or 18 months if I want something to be slightly big (bigger on James, since he weighs three pounds less than Bobby).  I ordered these back in the summer, so having no idea how big the boys would be, but knowing they tend to run pretty true to size, I ordered two of the 12-month size.  These particular 12-month sizes are huge, though!  I can't help wondering if they've been mislabeled and are actually size 18 month, because I've never had this brand run so big.  But all this goes to explain why Jamesie's pants are rolled up and why the tops seem so big, even on Bobby.  My sister got them pumpkin-top headbands, so they're wearing (or chewing on) those in a few shots.  The ladies working there were so nice; they were very helpful in getting smiles out of Bobby!  The boys had had their 12-month shots the day before (12-month update later), and I think he was still feeling crummy.

Meanwhile, James seems to be going through some sort of phase.  Mom thinks he's discovering that he's capable of doing way more than he realized.  I don't know about that, but he's definitely doing something - he seems sometimes to have hit the terrible twos at one.  Sometimes he just screams and screams unless he's being held.  This would be hard enough with one baby and is really not feasible for one adult with twins.  So sometimes he just has to scream.  This is fun, let me tell you.  And after a couple of nights of going to bed at a reasonable hour, he's back to going to bed late - 11:15 the last two nights.  Although, he did sleep through the night until a little after 9 this morning, so that was pretty fabulous, even if he did get a late start.

One last thing - I voted early today.  It took me maybe ten minutes, start to finish!  Of course, part of this is that I live in the boonies, but it was still much, much better than voting on election day, I would guess.  And the beauty of voting early is that, if you do happen to go somewhere with a long line, you can leave and choose a better time or place - it's not like election day, when you don't have that option.  So get out there and vote!

Ride that pumpkin, Jamesie!

Bobby is unsure about the headband.

Bobby is more interested in eating grass and sticks than in the pumpkins.

Check out the size of one of our pumpkins!

Bobby samples a pumpkin stem

Jamesie loves the pumpkin patch!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bobby's OT

Bobby has been scheduled for his OT (occupational therapy) evaluation on Friday.  This will evaluate his sensitivity issues, hopefully making it easier for him to wear his bipap machine and get help with his apnea.  Right now, he's ok playing with the machine, but any attempts to strap the mask to his head terrify him.  Of course, we tried it with James, and he doesn't care at all about having things on his head - figures!  After the evaluation appointment, we will learn exercises we can do at home, as well as make a series of appointments for him to come in and get checked out.  This may take anywhere from days to weeks to months... I'm hoping for something on the shorter side!  And now it's time for a morning bath for the boys - gotta go!

James does a little computing - which somehow involves being halfway under our bed!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Seaside, FL

Over a long Columbus Day weekend, Peter, Bobby, James and I, along with our friends Ross and Steffie, went to Seaside, Florida, one of our favorite beach destinations.  Peter's mom owns a house in Seaside, so we don't have to deal with hotels or condo rentals, and Seaside is such a beautiful, relaxing place.  We have a close-by beach in Houston (Galveston), but the water's pretty warm and, well, brown.  In Seaside, you can see your feet, and watch as little schools of fish swim around and nibble on your toes.  

It was the boys' first flight, and I was terrified of long lines to check luggage and get through the family line at security, so we got there about 2 1/2 hours early - way overkill, as it turned out.  There were no lines for checking bags, and we zipped through security.  James enjoyed crawling around the airport and asking strangers for food (it was lunchtime), so we headed over to Pappas' Burgers and had some lunch.

The boys enjoy puffs at lunch in the airport.

They did pretty well on the flight.  We bought them each a seat, so Peter and Ross took James, and Steffie and I had Bobby in the row behind them.  Both boys slept most of the hour-and-a-half flight, and woke up towards the end.  I don't know about James, but Bobby felt the bumpy landing with slammed-on brakes was hilarious!  Guess that little guy's going to like roller coasters!

We tried to keep the trip relaxed.  We went to the beach a couple of times.  The first time, James thought playing in the sand was just fabulous, and Bobby wanted nothing to do with anything.  The second time, James was pretty ornery (he hadn't slept well the night before), so he was not a huge fan of anything, but Bobby loved going out pretty far into the ocean and being swirled around in the sea, as well as jumping waves.  We've got ourselves a little fish!  They also enjoyed swimming in the kiddie pool with me and Steffie, and going out to eat - they love smoked tuna dip!  Well, let's be honest, they loved pretty much any grown-up food we stuck in front of them!  Ross and Steffie went home Sunday afternoon, and we headed home Tuesday.  The flight going home was super easy for Peter - James slept the entire way!  Bobby required entertaining almost the entire flight, though, and finally fell asleep as we started to descend - of course!  All in all, though, our first trip with the boys went well, and it helped teach me what we do and don't need to do for our big upcoming trip to Disney World with the boys Veterans' Day weekend.

And now for a picture overload (I apologize for the messiness of the layout)....

James heads for the ocean
Oh!  It's a little chilly!

Mom, the water keeps hitting me!

James loves the sand!
Shot of James and the sea

James builds a castle.
Both boys' first trip to the beach - Bobby (left) is not sure.

Introducing Ross and Steffie to the Shrimp Shack

Our first family shot in Seaside
Ross with James (modeling Ross's hat)

Peter and Ross teach James about the iPad
Probably my fave - Bobby passed out, so we made him a bed in the wagon.

Peter and Ross with kindles, the boys with puffs

Headed back after lunch with a passed-out Bobber

Bobby in a lounge chair on the beach

James (under the hat) passed out in Steffie's lap

Bobby with Mommy out in the sea

Bobby loves the sea!

The boys love the wagon we rented!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Updates on Bobby and General Life

Life has been a little crazy around here.  I had to have a colonoscopy and endoscopy on Monday, so I had to spend the weekend prepping for that (disgusting, not fun, thank you very much) and then spent Monday recovering and not getting nearly as much sleep as I planned on.  In the meantime, I seem to have caught a nasty virus, and I feel like I was run over by a truck.  I would seriously like to curl up in bed and sleep for the next, I don't know, two weeks?  To top it all off, we (along with our best friends Steffie and Ross) are taking the boys on their first vacation, to Seaside, Florida.  We'll be staying in Peter's mom's house (so no dealing with hotels, thankfully), but this will be the boys' first flight.  It's only an hour and a half, so I'm hoping it's survivable for all.  What I'm really worried about is the nights.  We've been having major trouble getting James to sleep.  I'll get him to fall asleep, put him down in his bed, and he immediately wakes up and starts screaming (and I mean *screaming*).  The only solution seems to be to let him play himself out until he'll take a bottle and pass out in Peter's arms, anywhere between 9 pm (not such a big deal) and 11 (rather a bigger deal).  He will then frequently have a bad dream, because he's overtired, and wake up screaming a few hours later.  I fear Ross and Steffie will get absolutely no sleep.  I also worry about getting the boys to go down (and stay down) for naps.  I figure at worst, we can put them in the car and someone will drive them around for an hour or two.  Of course, then that person doesn't get a nap, which is the sucky part for them.  Yes, I said sucky.  I'm tired, okay?

In the meantime, we met with a new sleep specialist for Bobby last week.  His neurologist wanted him to be seen for treatment immediately, once she had ruled out any brain or genetic issues, and his previous specialist couldn't see him until November 26.  Not exactly helpful.  So we met with Dr. Susarla, a sleep specialist in the neurologist's practice.  I cannot say enough good things about him!  We had to wait for about 45 minutes to see him (not super cool, but survivable), but once we saw him, I liked him so much.  He agreed that Bobby definitely needed to be treated immediately - he said that because he's getting so little sleep, there is really no way to know how much he's being affected developmentally.  Even if he hasn't been affected yet, it will be harder and harder for him to process the world and develop new skills running on so little sleep.  He prescribed a BPAP machine.  He will start the fitting process for this next week, before we leave.  Dr. Susarla said it can be a very long process; because Bobby is only 11 months old, he may really hate having it on his face.  He says we'll get him used to it by putting it on for short periods during the day while he plays, watches cartoons, or does other normal things - not at night, since he's already scared of going to sleep.  If that doesn't work, they have a behavioral/occupational therapy clinic that they use for kids such as those with Down's Syndrome (who apparently have major issues with anything touching their faces) that we can use for Bobby, and he's confident that in the end, we'll have a happy, sleeping baby.  I'm so relieved!  I know it's going to be a long road to get him comfortable with the machine, but I'm so grateful to have a treatment and an end in sight.  I just want my baby boy to be happy, healthy, and well-rested.  

11-month update will follow soon (they turned 11 months a week ago, and I still haven't gotten pictures taken!), but in the meantime, here's some general cuteness!

 Bobby models his new sunglasses for the beach

James plays in a baby-sized Poang chair at IKEA
Bobby munches on a string bean at the grocery store - we now call these "bobber beans", as James hates them!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

10 Month Update

Well, the boys turned 10 months on August 21, but I've been a little slow about getting pictures up.  The pictures were taken about a week late, so I guess I'm just late all around!  In terms of updates, the boys haven't both been to the doctor recently, so I don't have numbers for both.  At the neurologist on Monday, Bobby was 22 pounds and 31.5 inches long.  James is lighter and shorter, as usual.  Bobby still has just the one tooth and is perfectly happy crawling around, although he is doing more cruising.  James is sporting five teeth at the moment and desperately wants to walk.  Both boys love to play with just about anything (including kitty toys) and enjoy watching Dinosaur Train, Caillou, Sesame Street, and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (a new addition).  They really love anything with music.  Jamesie "sings" along with the radio in the car.  Bobby has been pretty clingy of late; I'm hoping this is a phase that will pass soon!  They both love bath time, and they love to crawl into Peter's and my bathroom and go to the tub.  Bobby then turns the water on (thankfully he can only reach the cold water) and watches it flow.  The past few days he's started turning it off, waiting a bit, and then turning it back on.  Jeremy (one of our cats) often hops up to watch this game; he finds it most entertaining!  James has also randomly bitten my toe twice today, and let me tell you, with both top and bottom teeth, that's extremely painful!

Bobby lounges

Bobby also shows off a lovely toy-induced bruise under his eye

It was very hard to keep them in one place - hence Peter's hand!

Bobby thinks this is all hilarious

But mom, I want to help!

My favorite!

Also pretty darn cute

Jamesie poses

Side-shoulder pose

James cruises around with his pirate ship (excuse Bobby, who is crying in the background because I'm not paying enough attention to him)